Took the opportunity to learn more about foliage from Simon Barle's tutorial on Digital, I Learned alot of stuff I hadn't taken too account before, specifically the unique bake setup. Also there were some nifty material functions included I could dissect which had some cool stuff I've never used before. No scanned Geometry in the scene, but some scanned textures for overlays and detail texturing.
I definitely need to make better leaf cards since the silhouette is a bit poor now, but that's a tweak I rather do later since I want to get all the stuff in the scene asap.
Part from trees and bushes, I applied some of my wood-trimsheet on the panels and finished close to all shaders. The panels are the same sheet I've shown in prior blog-posts, it's a combination of photo textures and Zbrush sculpting. Next week I'll be sure to start fleshing out with more foliage, decals and props so as to get rid of the blockout look. I'll take another stab at the heightmap in houdini since I need some more pathing in the scene.